Sunday, December 14, 2014

Recently, news of torturing captured terrorist has made national and international spotlights in the media. Although the news of such events may be shocking to some American people, there have been American prisons that have used torture methods for decades. Information states that two former psychologists, Grayson Swigert and Hammond Dunbar, were paid 40 million dollars each to devise new torture tactics. These tactics were used on 9/11 suspected terrorist. Some of the tactics included waterboarding and mock burial. They were performed on the CIA’s most significant detainees. What just makes the situation worse is that the money to pay the psychologists is American taxpayer dollars.

Ridha Najjar who was once a bodyguard for the Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden was one of the detainees interrogated in the facility north of Kabul known as the Salt Pit. When he refused to comply, he tortured by being left alone in the shadows, with blaring music, a cold room, and was often times shackled to an overhead bar for 22 hours a day. Another prisoner was killed due to extreme abuse and hypothermia with lacerations and bruises on his face, legs, shoulders, and waist. Some torture tactics may be useful but when people are being killed and they still are not talking something needs to be changed.
After doing some research an article states that in some cases the CIA interrogators were often untrained and in some instances made up torturous techniques as they went along. If this is the case, the CIA needs to have some changes in its code of conduct and maybe strengthen its morals. There needs to be better leadership roles and there needs to be people that know when torture crosses the line. There is no wonder why America is one of the largest terrorist targets. But just because these people are terrorist does not mean they should be tortured to death, they are people to.

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