Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Guns have always been a large part of many American lives because hunting is very popular in areas of the United States. People have the right to own guns for hunting and protection, but in society some people are using them to cause harm to other civilians. The big question throughout the entire scenario is whether guns kill people or if people kill people. Many of us would like to assume it is a portion of both. Recently, we watched the documentary “Bowling for Columbine” produced by Michael Moore. This film has brought forward large controversy over topics such as: gun rights in the United States, 2nd Amendment rights, Obama’s executive orders on gun control, and how the media plays a role in the tragic events that happen throughout America.


The 2nd Amendment states, "A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed", after reading this most people think that all citizens of the United States should be able to acquire any gun of their choosing. When the constitution was written our forefathers most likely did not foresee automatic weapons or handguns being manufactured. In their time they had muskets and had to reload after every shot they fired. Over time things change and we as humans have to adapt. The rules and regulations that were written up and adopted when America first gained its independence should have some adjustments due to new inventions and discoveries in technology over the last 200 years. Over the next 200 years, times will change even more and the government may just come up with a whole new Constitution completely. The laws may have to get more specific on topics such as gun control because of all the advances in technology.


Technology has gotten to be extremely advanced to the point where the entire county can have knowledge that an event has occurred merely minutes after it occurs. The media plays a persuasive role in how people’s opinions are based because they twist the truth to make a story more interesting to the public. The media focuses so much on negative events that happen throughout the county and the globe. People can become famous by going out and shooting other people or causing them physical harm because the media would make that there top story. If they would not have the negative events of every day being broadcast to large amounts of people, the crime and murder rates may start to slowly decrease, and America might become a more safe land for the citizens.


Many people that own guns and hunt say usually use the saying, “guns don’t kill people, people kill people”, they have the right to believe what they want just like you and me. Yes, people do kill people but having the adrenalin of having a loaded gun in your hand even when you are hunting in exhilarating. How would it be different if it was the same way, accept person to person. Most likely murderers get the same feeling right before they commit there crime.


To make schools a safer environment I believe that certain staff members in the school should be allowed to have an unloaded concealed weapon for safety purposes. This may be coming in the future if more tragedies happen on school grounds. The future of gun laws depends on events that happen in the future and there location and the number of casualties and injuries. I believe that is the only way that gun laws will become stricter.


Obama made a critical decision that in the long run will be better for the country’s school systems safety. Making it more difficult to acquire guns and ammunition will discourage most people from trying to do something crazy. If the person is crazy or has done something in his or her past it will be harder for him or her to get cleared after the background checks. He also hired more people to council children so they can get help before they do something drastic.


Guns have always been a large part of many American lives and will continue to be. Gun rights may become stricter or more limited but they will never be taken away completely. The 2nd Amendment will always allow people guns but it did not specify what kind which may be add in the future on certain types of guns you may own. The media may be one of the reasons things like this happen but no one knows what could have possibly been going through Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris’s minds when they decided to gun down there classmates and underclassmen. We only hope that tragic events like this do not happen repeatedly.


  1. I agree with most your blog, like how the government makes stars out of school shooter. But really? our founding fathers couldn't have foreseen technological advances. They weren't the beginning of history. They were way more advanced than the people 200 years before them. btw- they had handguns in 1776

  2. I like the fact you made a connection between technology and adaptation. Yes, we as a country will have to adapt as we grow. And I like your comment about 200 years into the future.
